Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Night Worth Sharing

So, I thought last nights outfit was worth sharing. The corduroy photographs a little funny, but the pile is much softer than it looks and introduces a layer of texture. I enjoyed mixing patterns & tried to have fun with the accessories. Ive been using paper clips as a tie clip for years now. One day I wanted a tie clip, but didn't have one, so I improvised and I've been doing it ever since. I found it works best when there colored on top of colored ties or else it doesn't become fun anymore. I believe its the little sartorial decisions like these that separate the people with a sense of style and the people that have their own personal style. Whether its the way you layer unexpected pieces or something as easy as the way you lace your shoes, I think its important to experiment, put your own twist on things and make it your signature. ...and don't forget, have fun with it! Remember there just clothes; at the end of the day, you'll be taking them off anyways.

hat & blazer heritage, shirt & belt gap, tie urban outfitters,
pants cheap monday, sunglasses & pin thrift


Graham I. Haynes said...

I really enjoyed reading this. I agree, clothes are meant to be played with and personalized with reckless abandon. The necktie here is killer.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Definately worth sharing! Such a fresh and clean look. Your commentary reminded me of this one quote by a style coach named Rachel Shayne I once read somewhere and saved:

"Fashion is what you buy at the store, but style is what happens when you take those clothes and make them your own"

burmeister said...

this is fucking badass jason

i need a sport coat like that, but i don't think it would really look right on me

By: Jason A. said...

"reckless abandon", i like that, thanks graham.

and i love that quote by Rachel Shayne. ill have to save that one in the archives, lol.

ryan, thanks. i love this coat cause its corduroy and tends to keep me warmer without being to heavy. id opt for a grey one on you, though. you can find it at heritage for a reasonable price.